How to Build a Professional Recording Studio Part 2

How to Build a Professional Recording Studio Part 2

What are some of the obstacles we might face building a recording studio in a foreign country? How can we get new clients and how can we maximise our ability to work in the music industry of our new country? This blog explains how I am done it.

Pork and Doom Soup

Pork and Doom Soup

Back in September, I worked with Christophe Chavanon at Kerwax Studio in Brittany on the new Withchthroat Serpent album, Trove of Oddities at the Devil’s Driveway. Withchthroat Serpent are an excellent Doom Metal/Stoner Metal group from France, and they chose Kerwax for their latest project because they wanted to record live to 24-track tape, which is exactly in what Christophe and Kerwax specialise.